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Welcome to the
Weekly Lottery!

Complete your entry and create
your account
in 5 easy steps!

Make-A-Wish UK is part of a global movement creating life-changing wishes. Our only goal is to turn tears into cheers by giving children facing critical illness the chance to dream big even when they might not have long to live. No matter what the future holds, we create lasting memories families will treasure forever.

To confirm you are over 18, please enter your date of birth:
You must be at least 18 to play the lottery.

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Information about you

Please complete all fields, boxes with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Your numbers


 Please create a password for your online account

Password Strength

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Your payment details

Payments will be taken each month by Direct Debit and will vary, either £4 or £5 per month for every £1 chance entered, depending on the number of weeks in the period.

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Your payment details

Please verify your payment details to ensure that they are correct before proceeding.
Sort Code
Account No
Account Name


We will shortly be sending you confirmation of your direct debit set up which will contain the reference that payments will be made against.


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Your contact preferences

Make-A-Wish UK or its appointed representatives will use the details provided to process your lottery entry.
All lottery communication will be sent by email.
Please select how Make-A-Wish UK can keep in touch with you to tell you how your support is helping and to let you know about Make-A-Wish UK's latest fundraising appeals.

If you’d like to hear more about the impact wishes have on children and their families, or how you can help support our life-changing work through fundraising, volunteering and other campaigns, please select your communication preference(s) below.

By signing up, you agree that you: